Bromeliads Silver Queen Variegated Matured Plant
Size: FLOWERING SIZEProduct details
The Bromeliaceae is a family of monocot flowering plants of 75 genera and around 3590 known species native mainly to the tropical Americas, with several species found in the American subtropics and one in tropical west Africa.
Potting: Use 4 to 9 inches pot depending on the size of the plant
Water: Water on alternative days or when the top one inch of the media is dry
Media: Use sand, cocopeat and compost in one third ratio
Fertilizers: Use water soluble NPK 19 19 19 half teaspoon in one litre of water weekly once thoroughly drench the media and spray the plant also
Light : Give Morning or late afternoon direct sunlight
Humidity: Daily mist the plant with water one to two times